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Author: JamesE

Latest News

Friday April 26th

It’s been great to have some sunshine this week and there’s been lots of learning and laughter outside. It’s been a little bit quieter this week with our amazing Year 6 pupils staying at Morfa Bay Adventure in Pendine. It was great to visit them and see how much they were enjoying. A big thanks to Ms Williams, Miss Shaw and Mrs Price for giving up their time to provide such a wonderful experience.

There have been lots of highlights this week. L week in Nursery has continued into a second week with a new story, “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” and the children have been designing a healthy lunchbox for Mr Grinling. They have been making beautiful line pictures on the painting easel, on the i pads and outside with chalk. They made cracker ladybirds and became a human Beebot during gym. Reception have had fun finding out about the life cycle of a butterfly this week, drawing their own pictures to illustrate. During ‘Drawing Club’ they drew the main characters from the ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and learned some new and interesting vocabulary. They have had fun creating animations, using the JiT app to design a background and move a minibeast from across the screen. We have also used the story of the ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ to create our own number stories, adding and taking away up to 10.

After celebrating World Earth Day on Monday, and having a renewable energy session, Year 1 have been making promises about how they can look after the planet. We’re sure they will be asking you to turn the lights and taps off at home when they are not in use! The weather has been kind to us this week so the children have enjoyed planting sunflower seeds and helping the grown ups to tidy up the outdoor garden. Lastly they had a chick talk where they were able to have all their interesting questions answered, so they are now super excited for the long awaited arrival of the chicks, only 4-6 more days to go! Year 2 have had a special visitor in from Earth Energy where they learned all about clean energy sources such as wind and solar power. They made circuits using solar power cell as an alternative to batteries. They used solar energy to power up LED lights, buzzers and motors. The children have also been busy making material flowers and learning how to use a glue gun. They are working on a flower project to enter into Plantasia in Bloom. Wow! Another busy week in Year 3 with the children learning a topic story through Talk 4 Writing, ready to innovate and retell next week in a puppet show style theatre. They have also enjoyed using the work of Monet to recreate a scene of a beautiful garden as part of a class ‘jigsaw’.

Year 4 have had a really creative week. They have especially enjoyed creating their penguin collages and writing a wonderful polar themed poem. Year 5 have loved creating penguin collage art, playing dodgeball in PE, learning a text map all about polar bears using talk for writing and planning a science investigation around penguin huddling. Gwaith wych! No prizes for guessing the highlight in Year 6 this week. The children have had a wonderful time and been a credit to Waunarlwydd during their residential at Morfa Bay. The children that stayed at school have been outstanding mentors for the younger children.

We are working hard to develop our school grounds and would like to invite any willing parent/family volunteers to help. If you can give up an hour or so on any Friday to help with outdoor painting, planting and gardening, please get in touch. Tea, coffee, biscuits and huge thanks provided!

Criw Cymraeg update

‘Every lunchtime we are playing Welsh games with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in the yard. The favourite games at the moment are ‘Faint o’r Gloch Mr Blaidd’ and a ball game where they name animals in Welsh. The children are all really enjoying playing the games and using lots of Welsh.’ Criw Cymraeg

Online safety – Tips for parents

School Senedd – Waunarlwydd Core Values

Our Senedd have been working on our school core values of kindness, honesty, collaboration, positivity, respect and diversity. They have written a letter to parents (see below) asking for help with ideas or examples of these values.

Letter from Sennedd.pdf

We would be grateful if you could complete the form on the following link, diolch!

Dates for the diary

Monday 29th April  – Cricket Engagement Wales (Years 1 to 6)

Monday 29th April – Year 5 triathlon Day at Gowerton Comp.

Thursday 9th May – Technocamps workshops (whole school)

Friday 10th May – Worthwhile Walk and fun day in Dunvant Park

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday April 19th

Another week of learning and laughter at Waunarlwydd. We’ve even had some sunshine, long may it continue! Staff and children have been very busy this week with lots of highlights. ‘L’ week in Nursery started with retelling the story “What the Ladybird Heard”, painting ladybirds and counting the spots on ladybirds. On Welly Wednesday they collected sticks to make long lines and cover the letters in their name. Gym was fun, balancing on ropes to make sure their friends ‘crossed the river’. The biggest hit though was using Beebot the robot, programming him to find his way on the farmyard map. Reception started the week by creating a recount of our trip to Singleton park on SeeSaw, sequencing photographs and using the vocabulary ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’ and ‘finally’. They thought about spring using their 5 senses, thinking about their trip to Singleton Park and Spring welly walk around the school. They have found out about living and non-living things and what makes living things different and had fun planting sunflower seeds. The children have also been playing number games, rolling a dice to jump on a number of steps until we reach 13.

Its been all about Spring in Year 1 this week.  The children have been fascinated watching our tadpoles and learning about the life cycle of a frog. We are also keeping an eye on our eggs that will soon be hatching into real chicks! Super wow words were used when the children wrote their Spring senses poems and they are experts now at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Year 2 loved making a diorama set as part of their design and technology project, ready to record our performances of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar.’ A huge thankyou for all the soil, seeds, plants and garden ornaments that have been donated to the class. The children have loved planting and decorating in our outdoor area. It’s been a busy week in Year 3 with some lovely work on fractions, team games in PE and research into places of worship. The highlight was their wonderful Spring poem. Da iawn!

Highlight in Year 4 this week has been making the ‘Endurance’ ship using a paper plate. They also enjoyed working on improving their fitness in PE by tracking how many of each activity could be completed in 1 minute. Year 5 have enjoyed perimeter in maths, football skills in PE, writing a letter of application to Ernest Shackleton and making paper plate artwork in the form of the Endurance ship.  Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed this week. They enjoyed their art tutorial based on ‘Endurance’ and in ‘Discovery time’ each child created and presented their own mottos. PE was also a hit, working on their ball skills ready for the introduction of cricket.

Online safety advice for parents

Dates for the diary

24th – 26th April  – Year 6 Residential

Thursday 25th April – Earth Energy workshop (Y1, 2, 3)

Monday 29th April  – Cricket Engagement Wales (Years 1 to 6)

Monday 29th April – Year 5 triathlon Day at Gowerton Comp.

Thursday 9th May – Technocamps workshops (whole school)

Friday 10th May – Worthwhile Walk and fun day in Dunvant Park

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest news

Friday April 12th

Croeso Nol! A big welcome back to everyone after the Easter break! It has been amazing to see all the smiling faces as the children settle back into school life with their friends and teachers. New topics have begun with enthusiasm and the children fully involved in planning their learning for the summer term. Our mission to improve our outdoor areas has begun and, with the help of our awesome PTA, you will see changes within our grounds as the term progresses. If you feel you can offer any support with this, please get in touch.

Our Reception, Year 1, 2 and 3 classes thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Singleton Park today and they did us all proud with their behaviour, manners and attitude towards each other.

We’ve welcomed our newest pupils to afternoon Nursery this week and it has been great to see them begin their time at Waunarlwydd so successfully. We look forward to welcoming more children to Nursery as the term continues!


Our Education welfare officer (EWO), Lyndsay Jones, will be in school next week to conduct her latest review of individual pupil attendance. Our whole school attendance currently stands at 93%. Please remember that if you have any concerns, or require support, with regards to your child’s attendance you should get in touch so that we can work together. Diolch!

Dates for the diary

24th – 26th April  – Year 6 Residential

Monday 29th April  – Cricket Engagement Wales (Years 1 to 6)

Thursday 9th May – Technocamps workshops (whole school)

Friday 10th May – Worthwhile Walk and fun day in Dunvant Park

27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday March 22nd

It’s hard to believe we’ve come to the end of another term at Waunarlwydd! We hope you’ll agree it’s been a successful one as we strive to work together in making ‘Our School’ the best it can possibly be for our superstar pupils. A big thanks to the children, staff and families for their efforts this term. We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming families into school for various events during the term and look forward to building further on this in future. Let’s hope we have some sunshine during the Summer term so we can work on some exciting projects, notably the development of our wonderful school grounds. Our PTA continues to go from strength to strength and a big thanks to all involved. Our new school website will be launched in the first 2 weeks of Summer.

A massive well done to our ‘Eco Team’ on the successful achievement of ‘Platinum’ Eco School status (the highest possible accolade). During the assessment and presentations, the children were outstanding and a credit to the school. Diolch!

We say goodbye to Miss Emma Williams this term as she heads off to start her new job. Miss Williams is a former Waunarlwydd Pupil and has been an incredibly valued member of the team over the last 3 years or so, supporting many children. We wish her every success in her new role. Diolch yn fawr!

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful Easter Break! Pasg Hapus! See you all on Tuesday April 9th!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday March 15th

It’s been a busy but wonderful week at Waunarlwydd. It’s been great to see so many parents and carers at the school this week as our Year 1, 2 and 3 classes opened our first ever ‘Cafe Cynefin’ and shared their learning. We really hope you enjoyed the experience as much as the children and staff enjoyed hosting you! We’d love to receive your feedback! We had a treat on Thursday when ‘Sammy the seagull’ visited school for an assembly to remind us about the importance of recycling. We’ve ended the week in style with Comic Relief (a big thanks for the donations) and a wonderful assembly performed by Mr Reid’s class. I’m sure everyone that came to watch would agree they were brilliant!

The Nursery have been finishing off their ‘J week’ work by drawing pictures of their favourite jungle animal, moving like jungle animals in Gym and having great fun playing in their new jungle role play area. Easter has also come to Nursery this week and on Welly Wednesday the children hunted for patterned Easter eggs and found partners with the same pattern. They went to the recycling assembly on Thursday and sat and listened so well. Reception we have started some Easter fun. They have learned about the life cycle of a hen and watched a very cute video of some eggs hatching into little chicks! They have been using their phonic knowledge to write some simple words on eggs, matching the Easter Bunny’s pictures and using Numicon to help with addition to 10. In Drawing Club this week we listened to the story of Rosie’s Walk, learned some new vocabulary linked the story and drew the main character, Rosie, with some wonderful secret codes! Children also drew a map of Rosie’s walk around the farm and continued to practice the question ‘Pwy wyt ti?’ in Welsh. 

It’s been easy to pick the highlight in Years 1, 2 and 3 this week. The children absolutely loved hosting family members at ‘Cafe Cynefin’. Visitors were treated to first class service from the children with an array of drinks and sweet treats on offer. There was some great use of Welsh and it was also a great opportunity to share learning and complete activities across a range of areas. Well done all and thanks to families for supporting!

This week year 4 have loved making their cam toys and showing the finished product to the year 1 class. They have also been busy filming their playscripts using a green screen app. We can’t wait to see the finished film. It’s been a great week in Year 5 with the children enjoying their decimal and percentage work in maths, writing a playscript, swimming, creating Cam toys, basketball skills in PE and their wordle challenge. The Year 6 children have been very busy this week building their cam toys for their Year 3 friends. They have been sawing, sticking, cutting, constructing and collaborating. During their PE lessons, they explored balance on the apparatus. Ms Williams has been most impressed with their vaulting skills.

Teacher / Parent meetings

You should have had the opportunity to book an appointment to see their class teacher. Online booking is now closed so if you haven’t made an appointment, and wish to do so, please contact the school.

Nursery Admissions

Keeping safe online

Dates for the diary

 (**Events involving specific classes will be sent out separately**)

Week beginning 18th March – Teacher / Parent meetings

Friday 22nd March – Community Friday – If you can spare any time to work on projects to develop our school grounds, please get in touch. Diolch!

Friday 22nd March – Non-School Uniform – Easter bonnets optional / Discos in school)

INSET DAYS – We can now confirm that the remaining 2 INSET Days of the year will be on: Monday 8th April and Monday 3rd June

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday March 8th

An awesome week at Waunarlwydd with a high point being ‘World Book Day’ on Thursday when the school was filled with an array of characters from all sorts of stories. The sun joined us to add to a wonderful day full of book related activities. The ‘Book swap’ was a great success and our ‘Senedd’ are keen to make it a monthly event. The week has ended superbly today with a very impressive assembly based on ‘Hugo’ presented by Mrs Wallace and Mrs Horseman’s class. I’m sure everyone in attendance enjoyed! There have been lots of other highlights this week.

The Nursery have been reading the story “Jack and the Beanstalk” this week. They jumped on giant numbered leaves to reach the giant’s castle, sorted magic beans to find the right number, made a colour graph of the different colour jelly beans in a packet and played cooking in the jelly. They jumped in hoops and jiggled through the tunnels on Welly Wednesday and finished the week by eating the jelly and ice cream they made themselves. This week in Reception children have been having fun thinking about stories for World Book Day. They have acted out different stories in Forest School, matched characters and their phrases to well known traditional tales and watched a performance of Little Red Riding Hood put on by the Nursery and Reception staff. They have also been thinking about what makes mothers special and have been finding different ways to make 10 using Numicon. 

Year 1 have been busy preparing for their Cafe Cynefin. They have made menus, a banner, bunting and have been working really hard with a partner to practise greeting their grown ups in Welsh. They are so excited and we know that you are in for a real treat. World Book Day costumes were amazing and the children loved having 4 stories in one day!  Highlights in Year 2 have also been preparing for Cafe cynefin making menus, preparing order forms and practicing our serving skills. They’ve even used a music package to create jingles and adverts for their cafe. While preparing Cafe Cynefin was also a big hit in Year 3, they particularly enjoyed using the green screen to record an advert using different persuasive techniques.

Year 4 have really enjoyed making toys with cam mechanisms in. They’ve sawn the wood, created the art work for the front of the toys and attached the cam mechanisms. They’re very excited to finish them off next week and show them to Year 1. In Literacy, they have been busy writing a playscript, ready to act out next week and begin the filming process. There are lots of talented actors in the class! Year 5 have continued to enjoy their swimming sessions with other highlights being decimals in maths, writing a playscript, planning their cam toys and World Book Day. Year 6 have been busy making the frames for the Year 3 cam toys. They have worked together, showing great teamwork and co-operation skills. In maths they have started looking at area and perimeter. They have been developing their digital competence skills while researching the 22 counties of Wales. Gwaith wych!

Teacher / Parent meetings

During the weeks beginning 11th March and 18th March you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss progress. You should receive information on how to book an appointment today.

Nursery Admissions and Toddler sessions

Keeping safe online

Follow the link for clear advice and ‘App guides for families

Dates for the diary

 (**Events involving specific classes will be sent out separately**)

Friday 15th March – Comic Relief (Non-School uniform – donation buckets)

Friday 22nd March – Community Friday – If you can spare any time to work on projects to develop our school grounds, please get in touch. Diolch!

INSET DAYS – We can now confirm that the remaining 2 INSET Days of the year will be on: Monday 8th April and Monday 3rd June

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday March 1st

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus! Happy St. David’s Day! After a stormy night, the sun came out for us to celebrate St David’s Day in style! It’s been a sea of red in school today, with our Eisteddfod the highlight showcasing the creative, musical and literary talent we have in our school. All the children and staff thoroughly enjoyed and a big thanks must go to Mrs Melen and ‘Criw Cymraeg’ for organising the day. It was a great way to end another fabulous week at Waunarlwydd Primary School.

A huge well done to our awesome girls football team. They took part in a cluster tournament on Thursday. not only did they finish the day unbeaten but, most importantly, they played with a smile and it was a pleasure to watch! Gwaith wych!

What a lovely week the Nursery have had, learning all about Wales. They painted dragons and daffodils, made daffodils out of playdough, listened to stories about dragons, made a flag and cooked welshcakes. They tasted Welsh cheese, laverbread, bara brith and pork and leek sausages. We were very proud of them on Friday, going into the hall for the Eisteddfod, sitting beautifully and singing ‘Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw?’ with their friends in Reception. It’s been a great Welsh week in Reception. children have talked about what makes us ‘proud to be Welsh’ and made posters, cooked Welsh cakes and learnt a new ‘Pwy wyt tin?’ song. They’ve also created beautiful artwork and tasted all sorts of different welsh foods.

Years 1, 2 and 3 were lucky enough to have the ‘size of Wales’ charity working with them about the importance of looking after the rainforest and reducing the use of palm oil. They have also loved their Welsh activities and learning Welsh songs for our Eisteddfod.

Year 4 have enjoyed their Design and Technology lessons, where they have been testing out different types of cams, putting their final design of their toys into place and learning how to measure and saw their wood. They’re very excited to start making their toys next week. They have also enjoyed acting out a scene from Hugo Cabret, ready to turn it into a playscript. We have some excellent actors in Year 4! Year 5 have enjoyed swimming, equivalent decimals & fractions, creating art in the style of Dorian Spencer Davies, planning cam toys, looking at camera angles for film and acting out scenes from Hugo. This week, Year 6 have been busy designing their cam toys for the Year 3 children. They have explored different cams, learnt how to use saws safely and created designs. The children finalised their Dorian Spencer Davies Eisteddfod art pieces, which showed a lot of skill. Year 6 are building up their knowledge of third person patterns in Welsh, ready to write about a friend or celebrity in the coming weeks. 

Teacher / Parent meetings

During the weeks beginning 11th March and 18th March you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss progress. You will be sent information on how to book appointments during the week beginning 4th March. Diolch!

Keeping safe online

Follow the link for clear advice and ‘App guides for families

Dates for the diary

 (**Events involving specific classes will be sent out separately**)

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day (dress as your favourite character or non-uniform)

Friday 15th March – Red Nose Day

Friday 22nd March – Community Friday – If you can spare any time to work on projects to develop our school grounds, please get in touch. Diolch!

INSET DAYS – We can now confirm that the remaining 2 INSET Days of the year will be on: Monday 8th April and Monday 3rd June

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday February 22nd

Another great week at Waunarlwydd with classrooms full of ‘learning and laughter’.

This week Nursery have learnt all about insects. They moved like insects in gym and made insects on the come and make table. The biggest hit was Welly Wednesday, jumping in puddles in the rain! Reception have loved learning about pancake day and making and tasting pancakes. They have started ‘drawing club’ and drew the main character in ‘Mr. Wolf’s pancake. Odd and even numbers have been the number focus.

This week Year 1 have thought of amazing actions to help them retell the Supertato story which they are thoroughly enjoying performing in class. During their independent challenges, they sorted foods that come from plants or animals into a Venn Diagram and matched the Supertato addition and subtraction sums to the Evil Pea answers. In preparation for our ‘Cafe Cynefin’ the children have been busy making a list of items they will need and helped to write an email to local stores asking for donations. Year 2 have been learning about gender stereotypes and identifying emotions with ‘Spectrum’. In Maths they have enjoyed sharing, while they also enjoyed making nests and finding perfect locations in Forest School. Year 3 have really enjoyed looking at solids, liquids and gases. They even completed experiments on chemical reactions. In Maths they loved exploring capacity practically, by completing a can balance challenge.

Year 4 have started a new topic in maths and have been learning all about fractions. They have enjoyed writing sentences using prepositions and identifying features of play scripts ready to write their own.  After learning all about Welsh artist Dorian Spencer Davies, the children chose an image to recreate and the artwork they have created is fantastic! Swimming has been the big hit in Year 5, while they also loved working on their football skills with Gower College in PE. Learning about Shabbat in RE was another high point. Year 6 have loved exploring the work of Dorian Spencer Davies, practising his style while copying his work. Another highlight has been exploring balancing, ways of travel and heights in gymnastics while there has been some awesome progress with rounding decimals in Maths.

Our Spring Disco raised a magnificent £1100 which is testament to all the hard work put in by our wonderful PTA and the magnificent support of our families. The PTA will be relaunching this term with newsletters and a page on our upcoming website keeping you informed of funds raised so far, purchases and current projects. Thanks to all involved!

Another big thank you to parents for supporting us through ‘My Child’s art’ Christmas purchases (70 orders).  We have just received £176.89 in commission. Diolch pawb!

After School Clubs

After School clubs will resume next week. Due to the short term and parents’ evenings they will run for 3 weeks and the last club will be on Wednesday 13th March. Clubs on offer this term are: Netball -Years 5 and 6, Coding – Years 4, 5 and 6, Dance – Year 3 and 4, Cwl Cymru – Year 1 and 2. You will have received an online form to complete if your child wants to join a club. Please ask your child before completing.

Teacher / Parent meetings

During the weeks beginning 11th March and 18th March you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss progress. You will be sent information on how to book appointments during the week beginning 4th March. Diolch!

Keeping safe online

Follow the link for clear advice and ‘App guides for families

Dates for the diary

 (**Events involving specific classes will be sent out separately**)

Friday 1st March – St David’s Day (Children can wear Welsh clothes or colours)

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day

Friday 22nd March – Community Friday – If you can spare any time to work on projects to develop our school grounds, please get in touch. Diolch!

INSET DAYS – We can now confirm that the remaining 2 INSET Days of the year will be on: Monday 8th April and Monday 3rd June

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans


Latest News

Friday February 9th

We haven’t let the rain stop us having a great week at Waunarlwydd. A big thanks to our wonderful PTA for arranging two very successful discos. Some epic dance moves were on show and all the children had a fabulous time. Money raised will be counted and we’ll let you know the total after half term. Thanks to all our families for supporting the events. We’ve ended the week in style with an amazing ‘Truly Scrumptious’ assembly delivered by our incredible Year 2 pupils. I’m sure everyone that attended will agree they did themselves proud!

For their second H week, the Nursery have been looking at houses and homes. They have been learning about where different animals live and the different types of homes they live in. On Wednesday they walked a very long way, all around Waunarlwydd village looking at the buildings. They all walked and listened so well and were a credit to the school. Reception have been celebrating Chinese New Year. They enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Great Race’ and putting the animals in order as well as retelling the story. They found out about the dragon dance and created their own dragon dance in forest school. The children loved discussing celebrations and trying Chinese food.

Year 1 have been learning about Chinese New Year this week. They celebrated by making lanterns, painting Chinese numerals and retelling the story of the great race in the small world area. They were very excited to find out which Chinese zodiac animal year they were born in and persevered really hard when putting all 12 animals in alphabetical order. By far, the favourite activity of the week was using chopsticks and tasting Chinese food, which was delicious! Year 2 have been working hard on their class assembly, learning their Supertato story with all the actions, their song and their individual lines. They have also enjoyed monitoring the weather this week looking at weather symbols, reading thermometers and learning about different temperatures. Year 3 have been working hard learning about different 2D shapes and vocabulary to describe them. They’ve also enjoyed having lots of discussions and finding out how to keep themselves safe online.

Year 4 have enjoyed writing explanation texts about how different kitchen appliances really work. They have also loved creating their final Andy Warhol inspired artwork. They look fantastic, with character sketches, printed in 4 different colours. Year 5 have really enjoyed multiplying fractions in maths, writing an explanation text about a clockwork mouse, swimming, rugby, creating pop art and learning greetings in French. Highlights in Year 6 have been their amazing printing linked to ‘Hugo’, talk for writing and developing their algebra skills in maths. They also thoroughly enjoyed the Addams family production..

Parent / Carer Feedback

A massive thankyou to all those that completed our parent/carer feedback form. Nearly 40% of families responded, which is a huge increase from our last questionnaire, when around 15% of families responded. Obviously we’d love 100% of families to respond but we’re going in the right direction. Your voice matters to us and is an important tool to use when looking at self-evaluation and school improvement. Some responses include:

92% feel that emotional and mental well-being is a school priority with 8% unsure.

97% know who to speak to if they need support with 3% unsure.

89% feel that the school regularly communicates with parents/carers with 9% disagreeing and 2% unsure.

82% feel that the school listens to parental voice with 2% disagreeing and 16% unsure.

94% feel that the school gives parents/carers opportunities to be part of school life with 6% unsure.

Other responses have given us lots of food for thought and we will provide an overview of your suggested strengths and your suggested areas for improvement after half term.

Keeping safe online

Follow the link for clear advice and ‘App guides for families

After School clubs

There will be NO clubs in the first week after half term. Clubs will begin again in Wednesday 28th February. we’ll let you know of any changes to clubs during the first week back. Diolch!

Teacher/Parent Meetings

There will be an opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss progress between Tuesday 12th March and Thursday 21st March. Details on how to book an appointment will be sent out after halfterm. diolch!

As always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful Half term, we’ll see you on Monday 19th February!

Mr Jamie Evans
