Please follow the link for details of banded book bags available from Swansea Central Library.
Please follow the link for details of banded book bags available from Swansea Central Library.
Please follow the link above for an invitation for you and your child to take part in Family Learning.
In September 2021 your child will require a Year 7 place in a secondary school. You will need to apply for a school place using the online application portal between the dates below:
Admission portal opens Monday 5th October 2020
Admission portal closes Friday 27th November 2020
In September 2021 your child will require a full time Reception place in a primary school. You will need to apply for a school place using the online application portal between the dates below:
Admission portal opens Monday 5th October 2020
Admission portal closes Friday 27th November 2020
Reception Sept 21 Admission Round Information Letter
Many thanks to our ‘Open the Book’ friends from St. Barnabas Church for donating ‘It’s Your Move’ booklets to our Year 6 pupils. Diolch!
Reading Eggs letter for parents
Reading eggs registration letter
Reading Eggspress video for parents
Reading video for parents
Reading Eggs overview for students
Reading Eggspress overview for students