Friday May 10th
The sun has been shining in Waunarlwydd and it’s been a great week. Technology has been a theme this week. A big thanks to our visitors from Swansea University for providing a Games workshop to years 5 and 6. Also, thanks to the Technocamps team for the workshops provided to years 1 to 6. The children thoroughly enjoyed. We say goodbye to our chicks this week as they return to the farm and the children have loved learning about them and watching them grow. Let’s hope we can look forward to some more sunshine in the coming weeks so we can get outside and make the most of our wonderful grounds. Don’t forget, if you can offer any help with planting, digging or painting, let us know. Diolch!
‘World of Work’ week
During the week beginning Tuesday 4th June, Ms Williams is organising a ‘World of Work’ week. We are asking for any willing parents to come into school to talk about their jobs to the pupils in year 6. If you are able to offer support for this, please get in touch. Diolch!
N week in Nursery has been all about numbers and Numicon. It was fun hunting for them in the woods on Welly Wednesday, writing them in chalk and using giant Numicon during outdoor learning. It has been great to start using the outdoor area properly again, with the lovely weather and lots of our areas back in use. The sand pit and water wall had definitely been missed. Reception have started their mini topic ‘creep, crawl and wriggle’ by finding different ways to sort minibeasts into 2 groups. In drawing club they read the story ‘The Very Busy Spider ‘ using fantastic vocabulary such as ‘focused’ and ‘magnificent’ then drew the Spider in his web. They used spiders to find number bonds to 8 and sorted facts about spiders. They also learnt a new Welsh Ffalala song called ‘Beth sy yn y bocs?’ using the welsh names for minibeasts.
Year 1 have been busy acting out the story of The Very Hungry caterpillar Pie Corbett style to help them to re write the story independently. In maths this week they have been solving mini beast problems and entering data into a pictogram using the JIT program. They are very excited to use the stick puppets and puppet theatre that they made to retell the story. Year 2 have had another exciting week with the arrival of their tiny but very hungry caterpillars. They have been learning how to care for the caterpillars and about their lifecycle. They had a visit from Technocamps and learned about algorithms and how to debug them ensuring their instructions are clear and concise. Year 3 loved innovating and retelling the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar using i movie and their puppet theatre. They also enjoyed some art by making a hatching chick paper model. Da iawn!
Year 4 loved having Technocamps in, to teach them how to code Microbits, to help save animals. They had so much fun. They also really enjoyed creating their food chain collages. They look so effective and they can’t wait to display them in class! Year 5 have had a great week, particularly enjoying the game design workshop and Technocamps visit. They’ve also loved researching a polar animal and learning about statistics in maths. This week, Year 6 enjoyed learning to code microbits with Technocamps. In PE they have started learning the skills needed for cricket. In Maths, they have been looking at different ways that data is represented e.g. pie charts. In Literacy, they have found the features of non-chronological reports to help them write their own on a polar animal next week.
We are enjoying playing Welsh games with the younger children at ‘amser cinio’. From this week we are choosing 2 children to give a certificate to, for siarad cymraeg at lunchtime. We have also got Welsh stickers to give out. Criw Cymraeg

We are working hard to develop our school grounds and would like to invite any willing parent/family volunteers to help. If you can give up an hour or so on any Friday to help with outdoor painting, planting and gardening, please get in touch. Tea, coffee, biscuits and huge thanks provided!
Online safety – Tips for parents

Dates for the diary
27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM
Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY
Week beginning 17th June – Sports Days
Friday 5th July – Whole School Beach trip
Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week
Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!
Have a great bank holiday weekend!
Mr Jamie Evans