Friday May 17th
This week has really allowed us the time to appreciate the wonderful grounds we have at Waunarlwydd. The children have loved spending time learning outdoors in the sunshine and let’s hope the good weather continues.
The Nursery have had lots of fun singing nursery rhymes this week. They put the rhymes in the right order in the classroom and hunted for the characters from the rhymes in the woods, singing the rhyme when they found them. Acting out 10 in the Bed under the big blanket was great fun. They finished off the week making biscuits in the shape of Numicon. This week Reception have been thinking about ladybirds! In drawing club we heard the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and drew a map of the farm setting. We have started exploring the concept of ‘doubles’ by adding spots to a ladybird and used real clocks to find the o’clock times in the story. To end the week we read simple sentences about bugs, matched them to the correct picture and tried to copy the sentence. Gwaith wych!
Year 1 have been learning facts about spiders and ladybirds this week in preparation to write their fact files. They have looked at appearance, habitat, diet and interesting facts. In maths this week they have been learning to share objects equally. Continuous provision activities have included making number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as creating symmetrical butterflies. Year 2 have a had a brilliant week working on instructions using the beebot and the turtle app. They have been learning the importance of short and precise instructions. In addition they have been researching worms and finding out some fascinating facts! They have written some excellent reports using technical language. Year 3 their fabulous independent retelling of the Hungry Caterpillar using expression and adding wow words. We’ve also been practising our typing skills using J2e5 and have been working hard on reading the time using analogue clocks.
Year 4 have enjoyed researching the life of penguins for their non-chronological reports and have also been practising their money skills. Year 5 have enjoyed writing an information text on a polar animal, looking at how animals adapt to their habitat, researching food labels, circuits in PE and statistics and angles in maths. Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed designing and making a game set in a polar climate. This follows on from their non-chronological reports which they will be presenting on Sway.
‘World of Work’ week
During the week beginning Tuesday 4th June, Ms Williams is organising a ‘World of Work’ week. We are asking for any willing parents to come into school to talk about their jobs to the pupils in year 6. Thanks to those that have already made contact! If you are able to offer support for this, please get in touch. Diolch!
Breakfast Club reminder
If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club (Reception to Year 6)please complete a booking form from the office. A reminder that it costs £1 a day for your child to attend prior to 8.20 (7.50 earliest). Diolch!
Online safety – advice for parents

Dates for the diary
27th to 31st May – HALF-TERM
Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY
Week beginning 17th June – Sports Days
Friday 12th July – Whole School Beach trip **Change of date**
Week beginning 8th July – Year 6 transition week
Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!
Have a great bank holiday weekend!
Mr Jamie Evans