Friday 28th May
It’s hard to believe that we’ve come to the end of another half term during a year like never before. Let’s hope the sun that we’ve been promised stays around so that we can all enjoy a wonderful last half term.
The last few weeks have been full of learning and laughter with lots of highlights to mention. Nursery highlights have been playing in their pizza restaurant and Royal Palace, making potions and having fun in the big outdoor sand pit. They are becoming excellent at writing their names and are ‘signing in’ every day. Reception and Year 1 have been learning through the topic of ‘Marvellous me’ and they’ve had loads of fun guessing baby photographs and seeing how much they’ve all changed! Reception have been discussing feelings through the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and finding strategies to cope with difficult emotions such as sadness, anger and fear. They have also enjoyed exploring their senses by playing games with smell/ sound pots and learning about how to keep healthy, from healthy foods to toothbrushing. Year 1 have also enjoyed learning about their senses and have loved watering their cress seeds everyday, investigating which conditions are best for seeds to grow. Their creativity has been clear with wonderful work in the style of the artist Arcimboldo where they created fruit faces as well as practising their colour mixing techniques when painting portraits of their friends. Year 2’s enjoyment of their ‘Go Wild’ topic has been clear and they have become experts in all sorts of African animals, clearly shown in their wonderful report writing and jungle artwork. Other highlights have been programming the Beebot and planting in their beautiful outdoor area (in between the rain).
Mr Jenkins’ class have thoroughly enjoyed learning about plants and have even grown some of their own (the radishes are ready to pick but the sweet peas need a few more weeks). Other highlights have included the invention of their own plants with ‘special abilities’, using maps outside to design their own treasure hunt trails and continuing their project work on topics ranging from cars to birds of prey. Miss Horseman and Mrs Tucker’s class have also enjoyed learning about plants and developing their understanding of pollination and the life cycle of a flower, while other highlights have included learning about foods from around the world and showcasing their awesome creative skills with their animal print drawing. The return to Narnia has been a highlight in the year 5 and 6 classes and, after improvising their written additional chapters, the children have created playscripts, which they have now turned into blockbusters. Before filming, they developed their locations, different camera angles and scene summary. As a group, they composed their score, trying to create the mood of the scene. Each child has acted on screen and taken a turn behind the camera to direct a scene. Hollywood, here we come! Ms Willams’ class have thoroughly enjoyed creating their papier mache character masks. A highlight in Mr Reid’s class was their investigation into lung capacity while in Mrs Wallace’s class there were some interesting results in their financial education budgeting challenge (some super savers and others who went bankrupt very quickly).