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Friday October 8th

Another busy week has come to an end in Waunarlwydd Primary School as the weeks seem to fly by. The Nursery have had great fun in their two new role play areas, a baby clinic and birthday party home corner. They also enjoyed throwing and catching balloons in their gym lesson and making birthday cakes with playdough. Carrying on with their topic of Jack and the Beanstalk, the Reception children have had fun creating some beautiful drawings to retell the story. They have also been exploring length, ordering beanstalks from shortest to tallest as well as trying to make the tallest beanstalk they could! Sounds this week were ‘m i d and n’ and the children have loved playing games on Fast Phonics. Miss Tyrrell’s class loved building a beanstalk using number bonds to 10 and measuring beanstalks using blocks. They showed how their vocabulary is developing by using incredible wow words to describe the giant and Jack, while they continue to enjoy looking after the beans that they planted and watching them grow shoots.

Mrs Horseman and Mrs Tucker’s class have been adding and subtracting using beans and measuring the giants’ footprints using cubes. They have enjoyed writing wonderful character descriptions of Jack and thinking about what they would like to have at the top of their own beanstalk. The children’s own beanstalks grow taller each day! It’s been a fun filled week in year 2 with a highlight being the walk around Waunarlwydd looking at different materials, how houses are made now and what types of houses there are. Children have loved learning about what happened in the fire of London in 1666 and loved recreating how the people tried to put out the fire by passing buckets of water along a line. The pirate theme has continued to be a huge success in Year 3 with the children learning all about sailing knots (which has helped with shoe laces). The children thoroughly enjoyed using their digital skills and awesome vocabulary to make pirate word photos, while their i-movies talking about famous pirates highlighted their wonderful oracy skills.

With Shwmae Day coming up next week, Year 4 have really enjoyed learning and writing about the things that make Wales famous. Their improvement in the use of number lines to find differences was also a highlight and, of course, there’s been more to learn about the legends of Wales. It’s been a very creative week in Year 5 and 6! Listening to Tudor music and creating a Tudor dance were huge favourites, and learning more about Henry VIII through studying a famous painting was also a big success. Children enjoyed learning and demonstrating their skills using the grid method to multiply, with great progress all round, while their netball lessons have also been a big hit.

Shwmae Day – Friday October 15th
We will be celebrating this day with lots of Welsh activities in each class.  Don’t forget to greet all your family and friends with a big “Shwmae” on this day.   We are asking pupils to wear the colours of our Welsh flag (Red, White, Green – or a mixture) or a Welsh sports kit.
You should have received a text regarding this worthwhile cause. For more information, contact the school.
Monday December 6th 2021
Friday December 17th 2021  (Last day of term for children will be Thursday 16th December)
Tuesday January 4th 2022 (Children return after Christmas on Wednesday January 5th)
Extra Bank Holiday for Education – Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Friday 29th April 2022

As always thanks for your ongoing support and, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in getting in touch with us!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans (Deputy Headteacher)

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