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Friday October 13th

Shwmae pawb! Diolch am eich cefnogaeth! Mae wedi bod yn wythnos wych yn Waunarlwydd gyda ein plant hyfryd! Hello everyone! Thanks for your support! It’s been a great week in Waunarlwydd with our lovely children!

A lovely way to end a super week celebrating the Welsh language on Shwmae Day. We’ve enjoyed a fantastic day and seen some wonderful Welsh posters and pebble designs with the family video messages outstanding! Diolch!

There have been lots of other high points. The Nursery have been very busy during their second B week. They have loved playing in the birthday role play area, bathing the dolls, writing their own birthday cards, singing new Welsh songs and learning new ball skills in gym. Welly Wednesday was great fun as they re enacted the story “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. We couldn’t end our work on “The 3 Bears” without making and tasting porridge. Reception had a super week, talking about sharing using the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’. They also loved using graphic modelling to draw a hen and their wonderful dance lesson based on ‘The enormous turnip.’

Year 1 loved looking for different types of houses during their walk around Waunarlwydd this week. They discussed what materials they were made of compared to the houses during the Great fire of London. After looking at pictures of the fire they used their colour mixing skills to create hot colours and recreate the pictures.  Another great kerbcraft session in Year 2 this week. The children have also enjoyed researching the fire of London through websites and learning how to complete their work on a new app called seesaw. Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed learning about firefighting in the past and present, developing their use of WoW words ready for their recount and using their communication and team work skills to stay out of the lava in PE.

Year 4 have really loved becoming bakers, following a WW2 rationing recipe to make carrot biscuits. They were a hit! They have been busy in discovery time this week, using measuring scales to weigh out rationed food amounts, completing a light experiment and creating their own rationing timeline. Da iawn! Year 5 have enjoyed learning about common multiples in maths, making carrot cookies, making their own lindy hop dances in PE, researching 1940s dances, carrying out a light experiment and weighing items around the classroom to match rationed food amounts. Wow! Year 6 have had a busy week learning all about rationing. In their discovery time, they have made carrot cookies – tastier than they sound; made a 1940s dance tutorial and have presented their learning in creative ways. Nous aimons parler francais dans notre classe – we love to speak French in our class!

Parent/Teacher meetingsReminder

A reminder that Parent / Teacher meetings to discuss your child’s progress will be held over the next two weeks.

Community Friday – 27th October

Our first community Friday will take place on Friday October 27th. Pupils have been putting together plans for developing our outdoor areas and if you can spare an hour or two we would love to welcome you into school to help the staff and children with their projects. Full details next week.


**We can now confirm that Friday 22nd December and Monday January 8th are INSET days. Children will break up for Christmas on Thursday 21st December and return in the Spring term on Tuesday 9th January.**

Dates for the Diary

(**Events involving specific classes will be sent out separately**)

Monday 16th October – Thursday 26th October – Teacher/Parent meetings

Thursday 26th October – PTA Autumn Discos

Friday 27th October – Community Friday

Friday 10th November – Remembrance Day in school

WB 13th November – Anti Bullying Week

Friday 17th November – Children in Need

Thursday 7th December – Christmas Fair

Friday 8th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Tuesday 12th December – Nursery and Reception Concert (morning), Year 1, 2 and 3 concert (afternoon)

Wednesday 13th December – Year 4, 5, 6 Concert (afternoon), Year 1, 2, 3 Concert (evening)

Thursday 14th December – Year 4, 5, 6 Concert (evening)

Friday December 22nd – INSET DAY

Monday January 8th – INSET DAY

As always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans


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