The ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) intervention aims to develop and deliver individualised support programmes to meet the emotional needs of children. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed.
ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists, who apply their professional knowledge of children’s social and emotional development to areas of need experienced by pupils. They provide on-going professional supervision to help maintain high quality in the work undertaken by ELSAs, thereby helping to ensure safe practice for ELSAs and pupils alike.
The role title of ELSA may only legitimately be used by people who:
- have attended a full ELSA training course delivered by one or more fully qualified educational psychologists
- regularly attend half-termly supervision in small groups, led by a qualified educational psychologist
- are currently delivering bespoke programmes of support to individual pupils and sometimes small groups
At Waunarlwydd Primary School, we are now able to offer this individualised support for pupils. Pupils will be referred by the class teacher and will receive 6 weeks of support for their emotional needs. This support may focus on recognising their emotions, emotion regulation, self-esteem, social and friendship skills or loss and bereavement. The aim of the support will be to provide the pupil with coping tools to be able to manage their emotions.