Friday February 9th
We haven’t let the rain stop us having a great week at Waunarlwydd. A big thanks to our wonderful PTA for arranging two very successful discos. Some epic dance moves were on show and all the children had a fabulous time. Money raised will be counted and we’ll let you know the total after half term. Thanks to all our families for supporting the events. We’ve ended the week in style with an amazing ‘Truly Scrumptious’ assembly delivered by our incredible Year 2 pupils. I’m sure everyone that attended will agree they did themselves proud!
For their second H week, the Nursery have been looking at houses and homes. They have been learning about where different animals live and the different types of homes they live in. On Wednesday they walked a very long way, all around Waunarlwydd village looking at the buildings. They all walked and listened so well and were a credit to the school. Reception have been celebrating Chinese New Year. They enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Great Race’ and putting the animals in order as well as retelling the story. They found out about the dragon dance and created their own dragon dance in forest school. The children loved discussing celebrations and trying Chinese food.
Year 1 have been learning about Chinese New Year this week. They celebrated by making lanterns, painting Chinese numerals and retelling the story of the great race in the small world area. They were very excited to find out which Chinese zodiac animal year they were born in and persevered really hard when putting all 12 animals in alphabetical order. By far, the favourite activity of the week was using chopsticks and tasting Chinese food, which was delicious! Year 2 have been working hard on their class assembly, learning their Supertato story with all the actions, their song and their individual lines. They have also enjoyed monitoring the weather this week looking at weather symbols, reading thermometers and learning about different temperatures. Year 3 have been working hard learning about different 2D shapes and vocabulary to describe them. They’ve also enjoyed having lots of discussions and finding out how to keep themselves safe online.
Year 4 have enjoyed writing explanation texts about how different kitchen appliances really work. They have also loved creating their final Andy Warhol inspired artwork. They look fantastic, with character sketches, printed in 4 different colours. Year 5 have really enjoyed multiplying fractions in maths, writing an explanation text about a clockwork mouse, swimming, rugby, creating pop art and learning greetings in French. Highlights in Year 6 have been their amazing printing linked to ‘Hugo’, talk for writing and developing their algebra skills in maths. They also thoroughly enjoyed the Addams family production..
Parent / Carer Feedback
A massive thankyou to all those that completed our parent/carer feedback form. Nearly 40% of families responded, which is a huge increase from our last questionnaire, when around 15% of families responded. Obviously we’d love 100% of families to respond but we’re going in the right direction. Your voice matters to us and is an important tool to use when looking at self-evaluation and school improvement. Some responses include:
92% feel that emotional and mental well-being is a school priority with 8% unsure.
97% know who to speak to if they need support with 3% unsure.
89% feel that the school regularly communicates with parents/carers with 9% disagreeing and 2% unsure.
82% feel that the school listens to parental voice with 2% disagreeing and 16% unsure.
94% feel that the school gives parents/carers opportunities to be part of school life with 6% unsure.
Other responses have given us lots of food for thought and we will provide an overview of your suggested strengths and your suggested areas for improvement after half term.
Keeping safe online
Follow the link for clear advice and ‘App guides for families‘
After School clubs
There will be NO clubs in the first week after half term. Clubs will begin again in Wednesday 28th February. we’ll let you know of any changes to clubs during the first week back. Diolch!
Teacher/Parent Meetings
There will be an opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss progress between Tuesday 12th March and Thursday 21st March. Details on how to book an appointment will be sent out after halfterm. diolch!
As always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!
Have a wonderful Half term, we’ll see you on Monday 19th February!
Mr Jamie Evans