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Friday March 10th

Well, we’ve certainly experienced different weather conditions this week and it was great to see the excitement on Wednesday as we all woke up to snow. We’ve ended the week in magnificent fashion, celebrating World Book Day and the variety of costumes and characters around the school has been incredible. It was a pleasure to see the enthusiasm and laughter around school as the older children read stories with the younger children.

Morning Nursery have had lots of fun on J week. They have been learning the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and enjoyed jumping on numbered leaves to get to the giant’s castle. They did lots of jumping in gym, played with the jelly in the classroom and tried jam on their toast at snack time. Afternoon Nursery have settled in well and have been making crowns with jewels on and doing lots of paintings. Reception have enjoyed learning about recycling. They listened to the story ‘The life of a little Cardboard Box’ and talked about ways that the cardboard box can be reused before recycling as well as discussing ways in which we all recycle at school and at home. Then we sorted a big bag of rubbish into different materials ready for recycling and looked at the recycling symbol on the packaging. Of course the big highlight of the week was our snow day – donning the wet weather gear and wellies and making our own fun in the snow! To end the week we had lots of fun getting dressed up for World Book Day, sharing stories, designing story hats and watching the teachers put on a play!

Building snowmen and making snow angels were the highlights in Miss Tyrrell’s class as well as visiting other classes to read stories with the older children. Mrs Wallace and Mrs Howells’ class loved dressing up as their favourite world book day characters and sharing different stories with Year 5/6. Another highlight was learning about food miles and which local shops we could shop at instead. Highlight in Mrs Thomas and Mrs Evans’ class was tasting the rainbow of fruits and playing games to find out where our food comes from as well as learning about the different food groups to make a balanced diet. Also, of course, world book day fun – writing book reviews, making new posters, story strip hats, playing name the story game, sorting the books into fiction or non fiction and reading as many stories as possible! Mr Reid’s class have loved their World Book Day activities. A snow ball fight on Wednesday (when the children all joined sides against poor Mr Reid) was another highlight. The children also enjoyed finding out about the Welsh lovespoon artist Paul Curtis with a listening activity on the Chrome Books.

There have been some fantastic creative skills on display in Mr Jenkins’ class this week with their painting in the style of Nick Holly really standing out! Years 5 and 6 started their next unit of work this week: Green, green grass of home. In Humanities, the class looked at maps of Gower and identified the key features of each location. Fractions, decimals and percentages were no match for the children this week – they completely smashed it. As always, PE is a firm favourite. There will be some sore core muscles after the warmup from our lesson this week. However, probably the biggest highlight was the snow❄️!


Please note that the remaining INSET days for this year will be as follows:

Friday April 21st

Friday June 30th

Monday July 24th

Friday 17th March – The second workshop on ‘Managing Anger’ will now be on Friday 17th March. If you would like to attend, just arrive at school for a 14.25 start.

Digital Advice for parents

This week’s advice for parents and carers centres around ‘What parents and carers need to know about ipads.’

Dates for the diary

Friday March 17th – Red Nose Day

Week beginning 20th March – Teacher / parent meetings

Friday March 31st – Break up for Easter

As always, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate in getting in touch!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Jamie Evans

Deputy Headteacher

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